Central Coast Country Dance Society
Contra Gallery
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Here are some direct links to photo collections and videos.
- Contra Carnivale 2020
- 2020 Contra Carnivale Stringrays - 10 minute video of entire contra dance and music on Saturday night January 19, 2020 with Stringrays
playing the music and Lisa Greenleaf calling the dance. There is a guest musician appearance by David Cantieni on the bombard.
- The Stringrays tribute to David Kaynor - At Contra Carnivale, San Luis Obispo, California Jan. 19, 2020, Contra dance chestnut tunes
Lady Walpole's and Batchelder's Reels. A tribute to iconic New England fiddler, caller, composer, raconteur and so much more David Kaynor.
- 2020 Contra Carnivale Latter Day Lizards - 10 minute video of entire contra dance and music on Saturday afternoon January 19, 2020
with Latter Day Lizards playing the music and Jean Gorrindo calling the dance.
- Michael Gutin - Hambo - Contra Carnivale 2020 - Michael Gutin playing a Hambo for couple dancing at Contra Carnivale 2020 contradance
festival in San Luis Obispo, CA.
- Michael Gutin - Schottische - Contra Carnivale 2020 - Michael Gutin playing a Schottische for couple dancing at Contra Carnivale 2020
contradance festival in San Luis Obispo, CA.
- CC20 Photo Album
- Contra Carnivale 2019
- Contra Carnivale 2018
- Contra Carnivale 2017
The Central Coast Country Dance Society sponsors this annual dance weekend in mid-January, which includes jam sessions and couple dances. Pre-registration is required.
JOYRIDE: The Portland, Oregon based group includes George Penk's fiddle, Erik Weberg's flute, harmonica, & bombarde, Sue Songer's piano and Jeff Kerssen-Griep's guitar & percussion.
ERIK HOFFFMAN: Hailing from Oakland, California, Erik Hoffman calls dances, especially in Berkeley (http://www.bacds.org/series/contra/be...), but also from California to Alaska to Denmark and England, and writes about Contra Dances.
Erik Hoffman plays fiddle in three California bands: 3 O'Clock Shadow, The OpporTunists and The Repercussions.
- Video from Coleen's Channel
- Video by Dancencamp
- A Contra Carnivale Joy Ride - Contra Dancing to the music of Joy Ride and calling of Bev Bernbaum at Contra Carnivale 2017. Whooa!
- Contra Carnivale 2017 to Clew Bay - Contra Dancing at Contra Carnivale 2017 to the music of Clew Bay and Calling of Bev Bernbaum. Nice!
- The Nortorius Contra Carnivale 2017 - Dancing to the Music of Nortorious and calling of Eric Weberg at Contra Carnivale 2017. Many thanks to Eric Black for filming and for all the volunteers for putting on this fantastic dance weekend.
- Photos by Marlene Mahan
- Video by Scott Johnson
- Video by Raphael Semmes
- Contra Carnivale 2016
- Video by bobunetic
- Video by John Seto
- Contra Carnivale 2015
- Video by BOBS543
- Video by Colleen Van Nostrand
- Video by Nancy Lenox
- Video by Phil Curnow
- Contra Carnivale 2014
- Video by Phil Curnow
- Video by Thelma Fredericksen
- Video by Hans Langfeldt
- Video by Nancy Lenox
- Photos by Marlene Mahan
- Video by Bob Unitec
Contra Carnivale 2013 - Send your photos and links to info@cccds.org to be added here! High resolution photos can be added to the CCCDS Gallery, so send the highest resolution you have.
- Video by 66dransdorfer
- Video and Photos by Christy Barden
- Video by nvcontradancer
Video by Phil Curnow
Video by Damaris Jung
Video by Nancy Lenox
Video by Erika Rosenberg
Video by John Seto
Contra Carnivale 2012
a href="/gallery3/index.php/2011/cc">Contra Carnivale 2011
Contra Carnivale 2010
October 10, 2009 SLO Contra Dance - Video by Phil Curno. Warren Blier calls with "Paddy O'Furniture" October 10th 2009 at the Oddfellows Hall in San Luis Obispo. Tunes are Doon the Brae and Scotland the Brave.
Band members from left to right: Bruce Powers, Gary Arcemont,Gary Atkinson, Judy Walker and Amber Mueller (piano). Gilles Apap sits in later.
September 12, 2009 SLO Contra Dance - Photos by Robert Grosse
Contra Carnivale 2009
- Groovemongers Plus Pokey - Nice video on YouTube showing band and dancers.
- Video of Notorius concert at Sunday brunch
- Photos by Harold Hallikainen
- Photos by Tom Sheldon
- Videos from William Noack
- Get Up And Contradance! - Filmed in January 2009 at the Veterans' Memorial Building in San Luis Obispo, California, "Get Up And Contradance!" captures the raw energy and raucous enthusiasm exhibited at one of the premier contradance weekends held in the United States called Contra Carnivale. Shot on location by contradance enthusiast David Hill are four different dances that are edited together to appear as a continuous medley. Nils Fredland deftly guides the dancers through their series of moves to the driving beat of Crowfoot, a trio of musicians known for their trance-like grooves.
Contra Carnivale 2008
Local Dance Photos 2007
Contra Carnivale 2007
Contra Carnivale 2006
- Go For a Spin - Telegram-Tribune Focus article about the SLO contra dance. Week pf May 20-26, 1993
Full Gallery - Select the year, event, and contributor. An easy way to see all the photos in an album is to click View Slideshow on the left side of the screen. Once it starts, you can adjust the duration of each photo and its size. Registered users can add comments to photos.
Contribute Photos by clicking here, then selecting the year and the event. Log in if you are already a registered user, or register if not. Click Add Album (left side of screen). In the Name field, put your initials (first, middle, last). This will create a unique area for your photos. In the Title field , put "Photos by Your Name" with your actual name. You can leave summary, keywords, and description blank. Click on the Create button at the bottom of the screen. Click on Add Items at the left of the screen to add photos to your newly created sub- album.
The default way to upload photos is through the web browser. To upload through your web browser,
click the browse button and find the first photo file on your system. You can, if you wish, add a caption
in the next field. For multiple photos, you can just hit the next browse button to select the next photo.
A quick way to upload a group of photos is to create a ZIP file on your computer, then select that. The
zipped photos will be uploaded. You may want to select "Set item titles" to "caption." Finally, click on
"Add Items" to upload your photos. Direct any questions to Harold at
info@cccds.org. Or, you can just email photos to info@cccds.org
and I'll post them for you! You can post videos!
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